Second Kedeesa & Kagyoraa Festival – Pictures and videos

The second Kedeesa and Kagyoraa festival was held at Bontibor, the seat of paramountcy. The festival was organised by De Gbengyoo (Nana) Obirikitibi Amnadu Okordie I, Paramount chief of Deloo Traditional Area (Northern Ntrubo), his elders, and all the people of Deloo.

The below pictures and videos are a few of those taken at the Second Kedeesa and Kagyoraa Senkiti on Friday, 31 December 2021. In some of the pictures, Dee Gbengyoo Nana Obrikitibi Aminadu Okordie I Paramount chief of Deloo Traditional area was presenting certificates to deserving graduands who went through training in Deloo/Delo Language.




2 thoughts on “Second Kedeesa & Kagyoraa Festival – Pictures and videos”

  1. Dakede Godwin Agyei

    I love my people and the initiative.
    Long live De gbongyo Nana obirikitibi Okodie Aminadu 1 and the entire people Deo north tradinal area

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