Bontibor Community Appeals For Development

De Gbegyoo (Nana) Obirikitibi Aminadu Okordie, Paramount Chief of Deloo (Northern Ntrubo) Traditional Area, and the people of Bontibor appeal for development in the Bontibor Community and its environs through Akanayo TV. Bontibor is the cultural and traditional capital of the people of Deloo descent. It is located in the Nkwanta South Municipality of the OTI Region in Ghana. Bontibor is also the seat of paramountcy for the Deloo Traditional Area. In an Interview on Akanayo TV’s “GHANAFOƆ HAW” show, the community complained bitterly about their completely destroyed Bridge (which has now become a death trap), poor roads, lack of market to sell their farm produce, lack of good education, etc and pleaded for government’s intervention to fix the problems in the circumstances.


5 thoughts on “Bontibor Community Appeals For Development”

  1. I’m called Prince from Pusupu, a resident from that area, well this has been a complain which has been announced with so many tv, station in Ghana, but still we have not heard any follow up for this, please Akanayo tv thanks for this platform which I would like to express a comment, please we the youth need to come together and make a demonstration because we relying on our leader wouldn’t work or favor us. Thank you

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